Workforce Initiatives in the Midwest

At the MTWC Strategic Advisory Meeting in April 2015, attendees identified a number of possible initiatives for improving transportation workforce development in the Midwest. In the interim, stakeholder groups have continued to discuss and refine these initiatives.

These initiative descriptions will inform discussions about many of these topics at the upcoming Midwest Transportation Workforce Summit, as well as provide a strategic direction for the Center’s ongoing work.

Wittwer to Present at 2015 Wisconsin Tribal Transportation Conference

MTWC consultant Ernie Wittwer will present at the 2015 Wisconsin Tribal Transportation Conference. His session, entitled Midwest Transportation Workforce Center–Addressing the Future Now is scheduled for 3:30-4:14pm on November 4. Wittwer will talk about the MTWC and it’s work, and the upcoming Summit in particular.

For more information see the 2015 Wisconsin Tribal Transportation Conference agenda.
