We’d like to hear about your success stories. We are collecting instances of good practices from the field to publicize through MTWC’s network of transportation and workforce professionals. Our first effort is a profile of DeAnte Thompkins and his tips of running a youth mentorship program.

Good practices can be about a specific project, a specific event, or anything that you feel has worked well in meeting your goals of improving transportation workforce development, even if it was only a small step. Whether they are completed or still going strong, we’d like to know about them. To make it easy for you, we have a short survey that collects the initial information.

MTWC has hired Peter Coutu, a journalist, to write your story for you. We’ll first review survey responses and forward those to Peter that exemplify “good work” in the field. He’ll then conduct short phone interviews with you and any others involved and write up the story. We’ll run his story past you first and then publish it on our website. You’ll get well-deserved publicity through MTWC and a professionally written story to use for any marketing or public relations purposes. We think it’s a good deal for everyone!

Get the process started by clicking here to start the survey. The survey will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

Thanks for your help. Contact Dean Olsen with any questions at dolsen4@wisc.edu.

Teresa Adams, PhD
Midwest Transportation Workforce Center