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WEBINAR – Transfer the Knowledge Before it Walks Out the Door
As workforce members continue to depart organizations, with them goes a signifi cant amount of critical knowledge that is essential to conducting the public’s business within their former organization. Recommended for organizational management, HR staff, and supervisors.
WEBINAR – Diversity in the Transportation Industry: Attracting and Engaging Diverse Groups
Hosted by the TRB Education and Training Committee, the National Network for the Transportation Workforce and APTA’s Human Resources Committee.
WEBINAR – The Evolving Surface Transportation Operations and Maintenance Workforce; Challenges and Opportunities
Focusing on the rapid changes in the surface transportation maintenance and operations workforce. Factors such as increasing retirement rates, downsizing staff, recruiting and retaining qualified employees, shifting responsibilities, and expanding the use of advanced technologies are influencing these changes. This webinar will examine two social factors and two groups of potential workers that have not been fully engaged in maintenance and operations career path opportunities.